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Reformation Catholicism:
A project that aims to create the theological and communal foundation to reunite Protestants with the Catholic Church without discarding all the distinctive gifts God has given to them in this long separation.
“That’s completely unrealistic.”
You can take that up with Our Lord, who prayed that “they might be one, even as You and I are One.” Hope is a theological virtue for a reason—by human effort alone, this is totally unreasonable. But I believe the Spirit is moving, and the time for Return to begin is now. What God does with this effort is really none of our business.
“How could subscribing possibly help?”
On a practical level, any revenue funds my time. If I could work on this full-time, I probably would. As it is, I have to do dumb things like fuss about bills and expanding my book budget.
On a big-picture level, I hope to use this to form a community united by a shared vision for the Church, a spirituality informed by the best parts of Protestantism and the whole of Catholic teaching, and enough zeal to take action.
“I don’t believe in the project; any reason for me to subscribe?”
Yes! I guarantee you will encounter arguments, ideas, and angles here that you’ve never come across before. Moreover, I’m a good writer, so you won’t even realize you’re being microdosed on Scripture, theology, Church history, and philosophy until it’s too late and you’re Catholic. (Just kidding. Unless…?)
Why I’m doing this
I grew up in a very healthy segment of the Evangelical world. My parents attended a strong Foursquare church, but my faith really caught fire in an Evangelical Presbyterian Church parish that my childhood best friend invited me to in middle school. I ended up studying philosophy and theology at a college that identifies as “Ecumenical, Reformed, and Evangelical.” After that, I completed a Masters in Theological Studies (MTS) at Princeton Theological Seminary. Six years of excellent training in Protestant thought, and in the last month I ruined it all by deciding to enter the Catholic Church.
Why? You’ll have to read my essay like everyone else. Suffice to say, I am not turning my back on my theological heritage nor the community that passed it on to me. On the contrary, it is my firm conviction that they find their natural perfection in communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
I also run a personal blog, Christocentric, for my more general work. There, you’ll find theological reflections, arguments, and essays, as well as commentaries on Scripture, poetry based on the Bible, and whatever other Christian potpourri I happen to be thinking about recently. It’s a great place to be!